Title: Moon (2009)
Genre: Sci-fi/Mystery/Drama
Directed by: Duncan Jones
A couple of weeks ago I was in Dallas for two nights and decided to swing by Fry's Electronics to see if they had any Blu-ray movies on sale. A buddy of mine had mentioned the movie Moon (if you do not want the movie to be spoiled in any way, do NOT read the cast of Moon since one of the character's names will give away a little of the plot) to me awhile back. After checking it out a little it seemed pretty interesting for me to dive into a purchase (I prefer owning movies to renting them). It has frequently been compared to Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey for the setting, not only the physical location in space but also for the "work atmosphere."
Lucky for me, Moon was on sale so I promptly snatched up a copy.
The cinematography was excellent. As predicted, many scenes consisted of stark contrasts of light and dark. The effects and CGI was not overly done and therefore did not look cheesy. Sam Rockwell did an excellent job playing his character. The run time on the movie (about an hour and a half) is just long enough for a climax and resolution without dragging out the movie. There really aren't too many portions (if any) of the movie that are boring and tempt you to hit the forward button.
Sci-fi fan? Liked 2001? You'll love this movie. Watch it. Like NOW.
Rating: 9.5/10
Genre: Sci-fi/Mystery/Drama
Directed by: Duncan Jones
A couple of weeks ago I was in Dallas for two nights and decided to swing by Fry's Electronics to see if they had any Blu-ray movies on sale. A buddy of mine had mentioned the movie Moon (if you do not want the movie to be spoiled in any way, do NOT read the cast of Moon since one of the character's names will give away a little of the plot) to me awhile back. After checking it out a little it seemed pretty interesting for me to dive into a purchase (I prefer owning movies to renting them). It has frequently been compared to Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey for the setting, not only the physical location in space but also for the "work atmosphere."
Lucky for me, Moon was on sale so I promptly snatched up a copy.
The cinematography was excellent. As predicted, many scenes consisted of stark contrasts of light and dark. The effects and CGI was not overly done and therefore did not look cheesy. Sam Rockwell did an excellent job playing his character. The run time on the movie (about an hour and a half) is just long enough for a climax and resolution without dragging out the movie. There really aren't too many portions (if any) of the movie that are boring and tempt you to hit the forward button.
Sci-fi fan? Liked 2001? You'll love this movie. Watch it. Like NOW.
Rating: 9.5/10
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